Sales Management

Strategic Selling

  • 30 Hours
  • CodeZone Academy

5000 EGP


During this course, you will learn how to become a successful salesperson, starting from how to communicate with customers in a way that suits each individual customer and how to showcase the benefits of your product until the successful completion of the deal and also analyze your sales to discover the most successful route and follow it later.

  1. Role & qualification of sales person
  2. Analyze & Profile your customers effectively
  3. Segmentation and targeting right customers
  4. Different marketing strategies/directions
  5. Identify and utilize customer buying motives
  6. Buying / Adoption stages (Maturity ladder)
  7. Communication & Personality styles: Criteria of each style
  8. Prospecting markets, customers, competitors
  9. Analysis & Planning
  10. Approaching your customer
  11. Questioning techniques
  12. Product Feature/Benefit
  13. Handling responses
  14. Closing the deal/call
  15. Post sales Analysis
  16. Feedback , Reporting

5000 EGP

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  • Behind 11 Zou Al Fekar, Louran, Alexandria, Egypt
  • (+2)03-5701194
  • 01093223509
  • 00201026656339 -00201272238777
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